You must provide complete and accurate details at the time of purchase. You may need to provide other detailed information according to our requirements to ensure the accuracy of your order.

When placing an order, you must enter the correct shipping address and shipping instructions. If you enter the wrong address, we are not obligated to resend the order to the correct address at our own expense.

After placing an order, if you choose to cancel the order, you will receive a gift certificate to cover the entire purchase amount.

product information

In order to ensure that the most accurate image of each product is displayed, we will not enhance the colors, and will not shoot most products on the model body, so customers can accurately assess their needs for a certain product. If you need more information about the product, please contact us through the “Contact Us” page.

All prices quoted on the website are set to the default currency of the IP address/geographic location. If you want to choose a currency, please use the currency selector at the top of the page. If you pay by credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay, we will accept multiple currencies at checkout. If you choose to pay via PayPal, the total will be converted to$ at the current exchange rate.

We reserve the right to change the prices displayed on the website at any time without notice.

Accept payment by credit card (Visa / Mastercard / AMEX), ZipPay, Paypal and digital wallets (such as Apple Pay and Google Pay).
After you pay for the order, we will send you an invoice via email to confirm receipt of your order.

We recognize that the protection and security of information related to your credit card is very important. Therefore, we provide you with a very safe and stress-free online shopping experience.
We use the highest strength Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to transmit your personal and credit card details. This means absolute security and privacy. Our security certificate is provided to us by RapidSSL (one of the leading providers of online security).

We will not store your credit card details at any time, so we can ensure consumer confidence and satisfaction.